Order a large bouquet of long stem roses arranged in a large glass vase. Thirty-six (36) long stem roses come artfully designed in a large glass vase. Starting with premium greenery that is used to hold your roses in place, this fresh greenery includes leather leaf and lemon leaf with scented eucalyptus and tall myrtle adding height, texture, and scent to the arrangement. We then take thirty-six long stem red roses measuring at least 60cm long and remove excess foliage, carefully cutting each steam and placing them around the bouquet the vase evenly. The arrangement is then completed with a large hand tied ribbon matching the color of your roses. Order for same day delivery in our service area or can be picked up at our location 15 minutes after ordering.
Arrangement Details
- 36 Long Stem Ecuadorian Roses Available in Red, Hot Pink, Peachy Pink, White, Yellow, & Orange
- Color Choices Can Be Mixed
- Lemon & Leather Leaf
- Eucalyptus
- Seeded Eucalyptus
- Hand Tied Red Bow
- 14"T X 10"W Cylinder Glass Vase
- Approximately 30"T X 25"W
Delivery Options
- Same-Day Delivery Until 3PM PST Monday - Saturday
- Non Contact Delivery Available
- Drivers Are Instructed To Call/Text Recipient After Delivery
- Customers will receive an Email with a picture of their order including flowers and or balloons
The cities that we deliver to include Aliso Viejo Anaheim Anaheim Hills Brea Buena Park Corona del mar Costa Mesa Coto de Caza Cypress Dana Point Foothill Ranch Fountain Valley Fullerton Garden Grove Huntington Beach Irvine Ladera Ranch Laguna Beach Laguna Hills Laguna Niguel Laguna Woods Lake Forest La Mirada Mission Viejo Newport Beach Orange Placentia Rancho Santa Margarita San Clemente San Juan Capistrano Santa Ana Trabuco Canyon Tustin Villa Park Westminster Yorba Linda
Pickup Options
- In Stock and ready for delivery or pickup
- Same Day Service
- Identifier exists: No
- MPN:
- Available for pickup at our location
- Order ahead by calling us at Call us at (714) 714-0306 and place your order over the phone, payment not required
- Order on our website by placing your order into the shopping cart and choose pickup at our location. You can use our address for the shipping address 1609 E. McFadden Ave Suite A, Santa Ana, CA 92705
- Indicate the time of day you would like to pick up your order either on the phone or in the Special Instructions during checkout
- Allow 10 to 15 minutes for your order to be made
- Same Day cut off time is usually around 3PM, please feel free to call us to make sure