Coupon Code

Our Current Discount Code Has Expired
Active discount codes can only be used for items that we deliver in Orange County California.
Discounts For Orders Being Sent Out Of Our Delivery Area
Out of respect to other florist that are sent orders from our store we are unable to apply discounts to these orders. However please remember that we do not charge any kind of service fee and you are responsible for only paying for the delivery fee and the cost of the product that you wish to send. This money is sent to the florist that will create and hand deliver your order. If you wish to send our products to another florist we ask that you choose products with traditional designs as other florist do not always carry the flowers that we feature on our website. Tropical Flowers tend to be difficult to send and Balloons are not available for delivery by other florist. If you are unsure about what products you can send please call our store so that we can explain which items we will feel comfortable sending to another florist.
Multiple Coupon Codes
Only one coupon code can be used per order on our website. You can use the coupon code as many times as you like for each order that is placed on the website.