Telefloras Find a Florist Directory

The owners of Everyday Flowers have discovered a website that is not our own website.
September of 2005 we were notified by Teleflora that we would be receiving a free storefront website that has our name of our company, address location and our 800 and local numbers listed. We immediately notified Teleflora that we did not need this website listed because we had our own hosted website. However the website continued to operate for more than three weeks after we requested the website removed from the directory.
A New Way For Teleflora To Gather Orders.
On Friday September 9th Eric Shaw the owner of Everyday Flowers placed an order on this website. The website gave an option to allow another high quality Teleflora florist to handle the order in the unlikely event that my chosen florist was unavailable. This option was unchecked.
The order was placed that afternoon and the order was delivered the next day by another Teleflora florist. There was no call made to our shop by Teleflora about the order. We were open our normal hours on Saturday so there was no excuse for us not receiving the order. Teleflora did not have a response other than that they would remove the storefront.
We are warning our customers about these Fake Teleflora Websites that companies like Teleflora are using to gather orders for themselves. This practice is unacceptable. We will do everything in our power to put a stop to and to educate every consumer about this problem in the industry. The abuse of the wire service is completely out of control. Consumers are paying to much for flowers to companies that keep 20% to 30% of the actual order plus a service charge.
If you are unsure about a website you are ordering on that claims it is an Everyday Flowers website please do not hesitate to give us a call to verify.
Sincerely, Eric Shaw Owner
Everyday Flowers
1609 East McFadden Ave Suite A
Santa Ana, CA 92705
(714) 714-0306